Category: Blog

Strengthening Your Mitochondria to Support Healthy Energy Production


Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms seen in primary care. Symptoms of fatigue can be acute during illness, or chronic, lasting months to years.  The important thing with fatigue is to uncover the biological cause of the disease. One of the primary causes of fatigue is mitochondrial dysfunction.

The Health Impact of Glyphosate

Tractor spraying glyphosate at soy bean field

Over the past several decades, numerous artificial chemicals have been introduced into our environment. Many substances have not been researched for their potential long-term problems, interactions between chemicals, environmental effects, or impact on children and pregnant women. Glyphosate (N-phosphonomethylglycine), a type of organophosphate, is among these potentially dangerous chemicals.

How do Mast Cells Impact Our Patients Health?

Mast cell releasing histamine

Mast cells are very complex cells with both immunological and physiologic functions. The most well-known mediator is histamine which causes allergic reactions but, if not regulated, can lead to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).  MCAS is present often with other chronic diseases and can impact all areas of the body.  How can we support patients experiencing MCAS?

Why should I be concerned about mold and mycotoxins?

Shocked Woman Looking At Mold mycotoxins

Our collective awareness of mold exposure from water-damaged buildings has increased dramatically. We now know that a percentage of people exposed to mold will have significant immune and inflammatory reactions from mycotoxins released by molds. These mycotoxins can lead to a cascade of health issues, impacting potentially every system in the body. Fortunately, we now have tests to check for mycotoxins within the body and potent binder combinations to address mold illness and remove mycotoxins.*

A Healthy Oral Microbiome: The Key to Systemic Health

oral microbiome smiling with curly hair, laughs while has morning routines, shows bright smile, holds toothbrush, stands with bare shoulders over blue background

When we think of the human microbiome, we typically think of the gut microbiome in the lower gastrointestinal tract. However, thanks to many years of research, we have discovered many unique microbiomes throughout the body, such as the mouth, the urogenital tract, and even the skin. Each of these microbiomes exists to serve the body by providing a protective health benefit for their specific location and are considered to be well-balanced when the beneficial probiotic bacteria effectively compete with pathogenic bacteria.

Everything you wanted to know about probiotics

Probiotics and gut health

The microbiome is the ecosystem of microorganisms living within the body.  While there are different microbiomes in different areas of the body, the most well-studied is the microbiome in the digestive tract. More probiotic, beneficial bacteria inhabit this microbiome than we have cells in our entire body, which means the gut microbiome is incredibly complex and vital to our overall health and wellness.

What is Liposomal Vitamin C and Why Is It Superior to Traditional Vitamin C?

Orange Slice demonstrating bioavailability of Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays many important health supporting roles in the body. However, the bioavailability of vitamin C is limited by how much the intestines and the kidneys can absorb. Liposomal delivery systems utilize a phospholipid membrane to encase the nutrient, dramatically improving its absorption and allowing much larger doses to be utilized by the body.

Why Do We Need Liposomal Glutathione?

Liposomal Glutathione molecular diagram on whiteboard

Glutathione is a tripeptide made up of the amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. It is known as the master antioxidant in the body for its role in recycling other antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, and is one of the body’s primary mechanisms for decreasing oxidative stress.

The Science Behind Molecular Hydrogen Water

Molecular hydrogen is H2, or two hydrogens combined by a covalent bond into one stable molecule that easily crosses the blood brain barrier. Over 500 research studies showing therapeutic potential in over 170 human and animal models have been conducted.