

Password must meet the following criteria:
• At least 8 characters
• At least 1 lower-case letter
• At least 1 upper-case letter
• At least 1 number
• At least 1 special character ( !@#$%^&*()\-_=+{};:,<.> )

Upload Professional License

Please note that a professional license is required for account approval. If you do not have one available to upload now, you may register, but will need to email your license to [email protected] before your account may be approved.

Sign up to offer Patient Direct Ordering

Submit a W-9 and you’ll be able to offer your patients the ability to order directly from our website.

Download W-9 form

Sales Tax Exemption

If you are in a state that charges sales tax on dietary supplements, and you hold a valid seller's permit, you may provide the appropriate Resale Certificate to avoid paying sales tax. Please note that this form is not the same as a copy of your seller's permit. If you don't have the proper form, you may find the correct form for your state online, or reach out to our customer service at [email protected] who can provide you with one.